Today is my parents' 23 anniversery. I was freaking out all day about what to get them, and still thinking about it when I got home from school. Then it hit me. I had won two stuffed turtles at a fair, and I had no use of them. First I printed out two pictures of my mom and dad at their wedding. Then, I took out some velcro and (taped?) the pictures to the "shells" of the turtles. I also put some velcro on their hands so if you put them together they looked like they were holding hands. They were adorable! Mom and Dad loved them! This is a cool little project that I think anyone can do. You could do this on all kinds of stuffed animals, on teddy bears for example, take your picture and tape it on its tummy. Happy anniversary Mom and Dad!
Bravo, Stafana! Verry sweet and cute! Certainly an idea to use!
ReplyDeleteHappy anniversary from us and see them with grandchildren!
Cu mult drag si dor, Gabi
Merci mult Gabi :)
ReplyDeleteWow!! very creative! I love the picture <3 I think I will have to do this for my parents :) Thanks for the great idea.
ReplyDeleteA ;)
DeleteFelicitari pentru creativitate printeso ! Tine-o tot asa !
ReplyDeleteMerci mult Nelu!
DeleteYour smart imagination and big love for your familly created these little masterpieces ! Congratulations for you and both your parents !
ReplyDeleteMultumesc mult, Delia!
ReplyDeleteThis is sooooo cool!
ReplyDeleteEven cooler, I'm in the picture :). Now how cool is that :)
Cornel, eu mereu am crezut ca tu aratai ca un print in poza asta :))))
DeleteEmotionant , mami ! Multumim pt gindul bun ! Si noi te iubim si suntem mindri de tine !